by susandabbar | Apr 1, 2014 | Oral History
Margaret and Franz Oppenheimer bought their home on O Street in 1950, raised three children in Georgetown, and continue to live there. While they aren’t completely positive, they believe a relative of Napoleon Bonaparte may have lived in their house before them. In...
by susandabbar | Mar 10, 2014 | Oral History
Eugene “Toddy” Lyddane was born at the old Georgetown University Hospital on 35th and N Streets in 1911. Toddy grew up on Hall Place, in Glover Park just north of Georgetown, and worked in his father’s grocery store, which had been opened a generation earlier by...
by susandabbar | Jan 7, 2014 | Oral History
John Hays is a second-generation owner of the Phoenix, Georgetown’s longest surviving retail store. John’s mother, Betty Hays opened the Phoenix with her late husband in the 1950s, after deciding it would be much more exciting to sell Mexican arts and...
by susandabbar | Nov 16, 2013 | Oral History
Steve Kurzman moved to Georgetown with his wife in 1961 after he began working on Capitol Hill – He and his first wife, Ellen, loved the neighborhood because of its quaint charm and architecture, especially appreciated by his architect wife. The first house the...
by susandabbar | Mar 26, 2013 | Oral History
Patricia Linskey-Nietfeld’s family has roots four generations deep in Georgetown, and she is very knowledgeable about their history. In this interview with John Verghese, she shares stories about her family’s long involvement in the Irish community in the city, as...
by susandabbar | Jan 22, 2013 | Oral History
Judy Davis shares stories of growing up on P Street including running around with neighborhood children, spinster neighbor ladies, shops and restaurants she and her family frequented and what life in Georgetown was like before the war. Judy grew up on P Street in the...