by susandabbar | Oct 7, 2019 | Oral History
Hear Hugh Jacobsen’s humorous recollections of moving into Georgetown, raising a young family and starting his now international architectural firm over a delicatessen in the early 60’s. You’ll be in awe of his knowledge of Georgetown’s architectural styles and...
by susandabbar | Sep 15, 2019 | Oral History
Trudie Musson moved to Washington in the summer of 1965 to work as a college intern in the office of Senator John Sherman Cooper. She never left. In 1975, she returned from her post as Cooper’s secretary when he was serving as the first U.S. Ambassador to East...
by susandabbar | Sep 12, 2019 | Oral History
In an informative interview with Carey Rivers, seventh-generation Georgetown family member George Hill explores his appreciation for the history, beauty, friendships, and opportunities that have allowed him to serve this community. Currently, George is President of...
by susandabbar | Sep 11, 2019 | Oral History
Meenehan’s Hardware store was a fixture in the Georgetown community from the 1930’s until 1983. The Meenehan family owned several Hardware stores in D.C. and Virginia. Long-time residents from mid-century will certainly remember the advertising jingle, sung over and...
by susandabbar | May 7, 2019 | Oral History
DR. SUSAN NALEZYTY Georgetown Visitation Academy has been educating young women since 1799 during the administrations of every president but George Washington. Dr. Susan Nalezyty is the archivist and historian of the school and a Georgetown University professor. In...
by susandabbar | Apr 23, 2019 | Oral History
Henry Courtney and Pepper Van Noppen’s interview with Tom Crocker is an important and valuable addition to CAG’s Oral History Project. Much of Mr. Crocker’s interview focuses on the very early years of Georgetown from 1751 to the 1820s, it’s real heyday as an...