by Reuben232 | Apr 18, 2018 | Oral History
A native of Washington DC, Chris Addison grew up living in Georgetown. In 1981 Chris and his wife Sylvia Ripley founded the Addison/Ripley Fine Art Gallery, in a large, historic carriage house behind the Phillips Collection. Now, long established in Georgetown at the...
by Reuben232 | Apr 18, 2018 | Oral History
Grace Addison told CAG Oral History interviewer Patty Murphy that the Addison family received “a grant by Charles II… that’s how long the Addisons have been around here.” Though she grew up in Chicago, Grace’s father believed speaking with a southern accent was...
by Reuben232 | Jul 21, 2011 | Oral History
Dumbarton Street resident, Tyler Abell, 79, has lived at the intersection of power and politics almost from the time of his birth. In 1936, his mother, Livie Abell, married journalist Andrew (Drew) Russell Pearson (1897-1969), whose syndicated newspaper column...