Dear CAG Community,
The change of season can give us a sense of new beginnings and poignant endings even during a pandemic. A new school year – unlike any before – has begun as vacation season – so unlike any before –draws to a close, and the leaves are already beginning to change on the trees.
Fall is a time of transition for CAG as well, as we open our search for a new executive director and business manager. We wish Leslie Maysak well as she shifts her attention to her family and the demands of remote learning and the college admissions process. Thank you, Leslie, for your service over the past four years!
Fall is also a time to harvest, and that is especially true for CAG this year. Reduced summer travel for our dedicated team of volunteers has resulted in an unprecedented amount of summertime committee work and infrastructure progress!
At our first-ever virtual Annual Meeting, held on September 22nd, we delivered substantive committee reports on everything from our development efforts (highlighting our annual fundraising event on November 13th) to our drive toward increasing membership, to public safety and trees’ initiatives. But more important than the content was the connectedness we felt being together at the same hour in the same place….it has been a long time since we convened as an organization and the feeling of community was restorative and inspiring.
There is tremendous momentum among CAG volunteers and board members right now, and if you are not already part of our inspiring volunteer force, I hope you will consider signing up through our new website. At a time when it is easy to feel overwhelmed or helpless, volunteering to help your community feels especially satisfying. I cannot think of a better time than this to act with intention and generosity.
Whether you contribute to CAG with your time, ideas, expertise or financial backing (or all of the above!), I want you to know that your support is important, appreciated and makes a difference.
We are all part of an incredibly special, historic community – and we are living through history, now, together. I believe we will look back on this time as one where neighbors stepped up to help each other and made an impact in their own community at a time when the uncertainties of the world were daunting.
Our “new normal” won’t be permanent, but let’s make sure we can be proud of how we handled this difficult time: Together. #georgetowntogether