Traffic jams. Parking problems. Sidewalk extensions. Pedestrian and bicyclist safety.

All of these concerns of Georgetown residents will be addressed by a study that will be conducted by the District of Columbia’s District Department of Transportation. The District’s 2022 budget includes funding to kick off the study. This work will be undertaken to identify needed improvements to Georgetown’s transportation infrastructure with the goal of making streets and sidewalks safer and more accessible, and less congested while respecting the historic character of the community. The goal is to identify and address issues that affect pedestrian safety, traffic calming, mobility, parking, cycling, strategies, and related infrastructure.

CAG’s Urban Landscape Committee, chaired by Stephanie Bothwell, will play an important advisory role in the study and will work with the DDOT as well as other community groups, including BID, the ANC2E, Councilmember Brooke Pinto’s office, Georgetown University, and Medstar Hospital to make sure community concerns are addressed. Currently, the committee is reviewing the scope of work and establishing the timing to hire technical and community outreach consultants.

Watch for more information from CAG on the progress of the study, which is expected to last a year from the time consultants are on board.

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